Table of Contents
Top News Item: (as of June, 2005)
June 23rd, 2005: THANK GOODNESS LOUIS FRIEDMAN, PLANETARY SOCIETY DIRECTOR, who just lost his puppy (launched from a Russian sub; it may have been swapped for a Russian spy satellite!) WAS NOT IN CHARGE OF CASSINI! Dr. Friedman -- at this web site -- was an arrogant supporter of Cassini. But now we know: He can't even fly his own bird! So THANK GOODNESS Dr. Friedman wasn't in charge of Cassini! Cassini was a bad idea and so is New Horizons.
April 25th, 2005: NASA/ PENTAGON, HOW COULD YOU?
As if New Horizons and Prometheus weren't bad enough, now we learn that YES, Global Network was "infiltrated"! But by WHO? Gagnon was one of the main TARGETS! Here's what Bruce Gagnon, subject of much undeserved speculation at this very web site, has ACTUALLY been going through:
As the Global Network (GN) prepares for its 13th annual space organizing conference in New York City, on April 29-30 [2005], a call came into our office today [4/21/2005] from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
The ACLU office in Brevard County, Florida (where NASA and the Kennedy Space Center are located) called to inform the Global Network that an ACLU investigation of the Brevard County Sheriff's department has revealed 600-700 pages of internal files documenting extensive infiltration and surveillance of the Global Network and other anti-war activities in the county during recent years. The files contained descriptions of Global Network members as being "anti-American."
The ACLU investigation, which began last January, also revealed that NASA was gathering information on European demonstrations against the launching of weapons and nuclear power in space during recent years. In addition, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI), based in Tampa, Florida, had infiltrated the Global Network as late as October of 2002 during the organization's annual Keep Space for Peace Week.
According to the ACLU the investigations centered on Global Network Coordinator Bruce Gagnon and Global Network members Mary Beth Sullivan and Maria Telesca. In addition to infiltration of the organization, the ACLU noted that the investigations included background checks, driving histories, address histories, as well as other information gathering activities.
The ACLU has requested permission to pursue legal action on behalf of Bruce, Mary Beth, and Maria. The ACLU intends to attempt to retrieve all surveillance files gathered on Global Network members and to pursue a possible lawsuit.
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 729-0517
(207) 319-2017 (Cell phone) (GN's blog)
We have contacted Mr. Gagnon and offered all possible assistance in this matter.
April 22nd, 2005 -- New Horizons and Prometheus are STILL a lousy gamble! (incl. letter to the North County Times which was not (surprise surprise) published)
Nuclear INSecurity; Project Prometheus; An Apology to Bruce Gagnon et al, and to the movement (August 18th, 2004)
A LETTER TO "MRS. CASSINI" (Addenda) (Posted August 18th, 2004)
FOLLOWUP (Feb 9th, 2003)
& IE6 or Netscape 7 -- comprises one download of about 400K)
No RTGs AND no RHUs in space!
NASA is careful to tell the public it's not using Radioactive power sources
(generally known as RTGs) for any planned missions to Mars. (Example: Scott Hubbard,
NASA Mars Director, April 10th, 2001, CSPAN: "All the missions up through 2005
are solar-powered...").
But they ARE using Radioactive Heater Units (RHUs). Each one provides a
modest amount of heat but uses 2.7 GRAMS of plutonium (mostly Pu 238).
Each one has hardly any containment system at all and contains millions
of potentially lethal doses of plutonium!
At this website is the science and philosphy behind why Cassini should have been stopped.
Welcome to perhaps the world's most controversial web site ever!
- Here is our index of
STOP CASSINI newsletters. After issue 253, items were distributed in a loser format.
Many of them have been posted HERE.
The Wrong Stuff:
The Space Program's
Nuclear Threat
to Our Planet
By Karl Grossman
Ordering information and praise for the book.
List of Postings at this web site:
Here is our
petition (in downloadable .DOC file (MS Word format) to the House of Parliment (Canada) by the Canadian members of the Cassini Redirection Coalition!
and also see our
main petition seeking the prevention of the Earth flyby of Cassini, and our
against Cassini which has been drafted for use around the world.
- Presentation at the Hague Appeal for Peace Conference, The Netherlands, May 12th, 1999 (.DOC file in MS-WORD format)
- by Karl Grossman, Professor of Journalism, State University of New York/College at Old Westbury
- Presentation at Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany and at Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, March 1999
- by Karl Grossman
- Statement at the United Nations October 15th, 1998
- by Karl Grossman
- An Open Letter To India & Pakistan
- By Pamela Blockey-O-Brien, Environmentalist, Human Rights Advocate. June, 1998
- Speech at Lafayette park, Washington, DC.
- Deploring NASA bad science. By Russell D. Hoffman, delivered October 12th, 1997
- Statement to President Clinton.
- Signed by 15 Congresspersons, calling for a Cassini postponement. Dated September 26th, 1997
- A fax to Dr. Donna Shalala.
- Pamela Blockey-O'Brien presents a powerful and detailed plea to the Secretary of Health and Human Services
- A fax to Dr. John Gibbons.
- This compelling fax was sent to Clinton Science Advisor Dr. John Gibbons by Geoffrey Sea, radiological health physicist and director of the Atomic Reclamation and Conversion Project of the Tides Center.
- Unresolved Issues.
- Originally presented by Russell Hoffman in
newsletter #48, a crew from
the pro-nuclear Cassini camp responded through James Spellman.
This is a rebuttal of that response.
- A NASA scientist's pro-nuclear Cassini statement: Two responses.
- Original statement by Jeff Cuzzi. Responses by Jane Prettyman and Russell Hoffman.
- Three meetings in Germany (minutes taken and translated to English by Regina Hagen):
Draft Minutes of Meeting with Dr. Strobl, ASE on August 12, 1997
Draft Minutes of Meeting with ESOC on August 13, 1997
Minutes of Meeting with the BMB+F on August 14, 1997
- Cassini Cancers: The Plutonium Story
- By Dr. Horst Poehler. Dr. Poehler worked for NASA contractors as a senior scientist for over 30 years.
- Drawing a parallel logic:
- By Dr. Ross Wilcock. Dr. Wilcock has drawn a logical parallel between antipersonnel
land-mines at one level and microscopic plutonium particles as
"cell-mines" - with perpetual anti-cellular activity in Nature at another level.
- More NASA lies.
- By Perry Keidel, Veterans for Peace, Gainesville (FL) Chapter. Using even the most narrow of definitions, it is hard to call NASA's assertion that Cassini will be the last nuclear launch "the truth".
- Excerpts from a Speech at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Main Gates.
- By Alan Kohn. A former NASA employee, Alan Kohn was Emergency Preparedness Officer on the Ulysses and Galileo missions. He has now come out staunchly against the Cassini launch.
- Speech at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Main Gates.
- By Dr. Michio Kaku, Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics at City University of New York.
NEWS ITEM: Shrimp boats delay NASA launch. Helicopters drop written "please move" requests. One boat stays put. Launch delayed.
Announcing the Shrimp Boat Protest Against Cassini
- See newsletters #34 and
#35 for details.
The D. E. Rockey 1981 JPL Report on the Systems Impact of a concentrated solar array on a Jupiter Orbiter.
- We have now scanned in the full text of this famous report.
The Solar Alternative
- A noted solar scientist's discussion of the solar alternative for Cassini, and a response by him to a
pro-nuclear Cassini statement by George William Herbert. By Dr. Ross McCluney, Ph.D., Principal Research Scientist, Florida Solar Energy Center.
Additional debate between McCluney and Herbert posted 9/21/97.
- Accident Risks for the Cassini Mission.
- By Dr. Michio Kaku, Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics at City University of New York. (Includes brief bio of Dr. Kaku.)
- "The Commentor's accusations are unfounded."
- By Russell Hoffman. A response to
NASA's rebuttal
of his April 1997 DSEIS comments.
- Karl Grossman on the Art Bell show.
- Karl Grossman, investigative journalist and full professor at State University of New York was a recent guest on Art Bell's nationwide radio show.
- A correspondence between opposing forces:
- An ongoing series of emails between Mike Pelletier and Russell Hoffman. This email from Hoffman discusses NASA documentation about Cassini's RTG's.
An answer to a NASA/JPL document.
- "NASA hides the real facts and the real math inside complex
verbal descriptions, tables of exponential numbers, and inappropriate
calculations. This is NASA's biggest problem: Bad science is being
used to bolster the few weak real arguments NASA has to justify
pursuing the nuclear option. In fact, the nuclear option is a dead end."
By Russell D. Hoffman.
- Space Probe
Explodes, Plutonium Missing
- The November, 1996 Russian Mars space probe which crashed
back to Earth instead. By Karl Grossman. Published at the Covert
Action Quarterly (CAQ) web site.
- An answer to NASA PR person
Mary Beth Murrill's email to Frederica Russell.
- In which Murrill lamely refutes the allegation that the RTGs
are designed to incinerate on Earth flyby re-entry. By Russell D.
- Draft Supplemental
Environmental Impact Statement for the Cassini Mission
- NASA sent this document to me, via Certified Mail, Return
Receipt Requested. So I read it, and you know what? I can't argue
with the science! Yep, can't argue with it at all. Not a bit. Why
not? Because there's no science to argue with! There are only
conclusions drawn from selected data, while other relevant data is
ignored. NASA's draft statement was open for review until
May 27th, 1997! By Russell D. Hoffman.
Information on Cassini:
What is an RTG?
A Titan SRM?
A Diagram of Cassini?
A Diagram Showing the Liquid Fuel
These pictures have been scanned in from NASA documents.
NASA Documentation
We have scanned in a number of pages from various NASA and related official documentation:
- Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Cassini Mission.
- June 1995.
- Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Cassini Mission.
- June 1997.
- Cassini GPHS-RTG Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR).
- June 1997 (preliminary release).
- EG&G Mound Applied Technologies LWRHU FSAR for the Cassini Mission.
- February 1997 (preliminary release).
Cassini can be stopped, but not without your help!
"How does 72.3 pounds compare with what was lost in Chernobyl and every other
accident? It's an absurd question! It's cumulative. If you jump out of an airplane,
just because you have fallen 30,000 feet is no reason not to pull the rip cord
for the last 500 feet of descent!" Written by Russell D. Hoffman. Note: This
article is also available in German,
thanks to the translation efforts of
Marcus Hammerschmitt.
What you should do to help stop Cassini.
Cassini presents a global danger to humanity. People everywhere need to
oppose this project. Get empowered! Raise your voice! Take a stand! Email somebody!
List of Elected Government Officials.
Add a link to us!
Please talk to others about this web site!
Print it out and show it to your friends who are not on the net.
You can easily cut-and-paste the address of the web site and then
email it to people you know. You can also email the
address to your local and state
representatives. Please realize how badly we need your support:
Large sections of the news media will not cover this topic at
all because they are owned by the nuclear industry itself!
The URL address of the home page for the STOP
CASSINI web site is:
Come back and visit again!
Although Cassini was launched as planned in October, 1997,
there are still be many good reasons to try to alter the trajectory and
avoid the dangerous Earth flyby scheduled for August, 1999. Furthermore,
Cassini is really just the proverbial the tip of the nuclear iceberg
that is being planned for space! We will keep up with events throughout
the coming years, as they occur, for better or for worse. We will
remain, at the very least, a stone called the truth in NASA's
shoe. They will always know that the truth has been presented, and well
before launch. And so far, that they have ignored it.
Sign a petition!
There are several of them available on the Internet.
This simple and straight-forward one is from the NY Greens. They were
delivered to President Clinton before launch.
Subscribe to our STOP CASSINI Newsletter!
It's electronic and it's free and it's just a little more
raw and unpolished than this web site (if such a thing is possible!).
Details here.
That is the #1 thing you can do to stop the flyby of Earth by Cassini
in August, 1999! (NASA and JPL contact information is given below.)
Special Announcement:
- The TOP TEN CENSORED STORIES of 1996 list is out... and our own KARL
GROSSMAN has won for his reporting on Nuclear Proliferation in
web site to get all the details! CONGRATULATIONS, KARL!
His winning article was
Risking The World: Nuclear Proliferation in Space.
It's located at
Covert Action Quarterly's web site.
Additional articles and viewpoints:
- United Nations Outer Space Treaty:
- The United States co-wrote it and signed it. Now we're ignoring it.
- Dr. Sternglass and Me:
- An interview conducted April 8th, 1997 by Russell D. Hoffman.
- The Price-Anderson Act and Cassini:
- Is Cassini insured? Hardly! It's a loophole called Price-Anderson.
- "Chicken Little and the Egg (on one's face)."
- An answer to Keith Cowing, Editor of NASA WATCH.
- "You make me proud to be an American."
- What can YOU do to help stop Cassini? In this answer to
an email, we make some simple suggestions. By Russell D. Hoffman.
- NASA Tomfoolery:
- NASA announces plans for a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS), with comments by Russell D. Hoffman
- Answers to an Email: Ball Bearings and Nuclear Power
- A correspondence with someone who is for Cassini, by Russell D. Hoffman
- Alternatives to NASA
- A correspondence about aliens and space travel by Russell D. Hoffman
- Capitalism and The Beast:
- A humorous look at the late 20th Century by Russell D. Hoffman
- Answers to NASA: Karl Grossman Responds.
- "And, after Cassini -- unless there is a stop ... Catastrophe is inevitably ahead."
- A look at NASA's own documents
- Russell D. Hoffman disects a web article published by NASA.
- Cassini -- NASA'S Millennial Nuclear Nightmare
- If you liked Mars '96, you'll LOVE Cassini! Written by Chris Bryson.
- Nuclear Menace in Outer Space.
- Despite the risks, push for nuclear technology in space steps up. Written by Karl Grossman. First published December 8th, 1996 in The Baltimore Sun.
- U.S. Slinging Plutonium into Space
- Despite enormous danger and expense, the U.S. government is pushing ahead with development of nuclear technology in space. Written by Karl Grossman. First published May, 1996.
- What can go wrong with Cassini?
- Launch failures, orbital collisions, then there's the flyby... Written by Russell D. Hoffman. First published directly on the web January, 1997.
- A note from the Publisher
- Why this web site exists, and why I believe in what we are saying. By Russell D. Hoffman, Webmaster for this STOP CASSINI web site.
Background articles and viewpoints:
- Apollo Outtakes
- The story that got lost from the book to the movie. Written by Karl Grossman. First published September 11th, 1995 in The Nation.
- Nuclear Space Missions -- Break Down Political Barriers
- Events tell a chilling story. Written by Karl Grossman. First published Fall, 1993 in Just Peace.
- We Don't Need Reactors in Space
- Ignoring safe solar power, we send plutonium-laden probes into orbit. Written by Karl Grossman. First published May, 1991.
- Kiss Florida Goodbye
- Written by Karl Grossman. First published October 17th, 1989 in The New York Times.
- Plutonium Shuttle: The Space Probe's Lethal Cargo
- Written by Karl Grossman. First published January 23, 1988 in The Nation.
Additional related information:
- Space Debris
- An exposé about this shameful pollution. Written by Russell D. Hoffman.
- Failed Russian Probe to Mars
- From the folks that brought you Chernobyl. Written by Russell D. Hoffman.
- Star Wars and Reactors in Space: A Canadian View
- In 1978 another Russian nuclear satellite--Cosmos 954--disintegrated over Canada. Written by Michael Bein.
Outside links to "friends of this web site"
- We are building more and more links in the chain to stop the
Cassini nightmare.
Please visit them!
Articles about Cassini outside this web site:
- By Mrs. Selma Brackman of the War & Peace Foundation, September, 1998.
- Shift Online
The Editor of Shift Online has written an
excellent article about Cassini (written October, 1997)
- Discovery Online
In May of 1997 Discovery Online produced an extensive interactive
web documentary about Cassini, including a link to our web site.
HotWired has published a number of good articles...
Drudge Flash: NASA to Launch Secret Rocket
- 6:58 am PST 22 Feb 97 - A dry run for launching 72 pounds of radioactive plutonium into space.
Delta II Rocket Falls to the Odds
5:03 pm PST 17 Jan 97 - No one was hurt in Friday's fiery
explosion at Cape Canaveral. But things could get a lot dicier next
time, say critics.
Mission to Saturn Poses Plutonium Threat?
8:00 am PST 17 Dec 96 - The plutionium-powered Mars
probe crashed on Bolivia. Science activists are worried something
could go wrong in a NASA launch.
US Media Ignores Real Fate of Failed Russian Probe
8:00 pm PST 13 Dec 96 - The Mars probe did not crash in the
Pacific; it crashed on Chile and Bolivia. Did the US media ignore
the real story?
...and the best source for incriminating information:
- Write to NASA or visit their web site. Order a copy of their report FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ON CASSINI
- Described by Karl Grossman as an "amazing document", we suggest
you order this document today! The August 1999 Earth flyby can and should be stopped!
Write to our Government:
Solar System Exploration Division
Office of Space Science
Washington D.C. 20546
For more Government information on the Cassini mission, contact:
Cassini Public Information
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA 91109
(818) 354-5011
Contact us...
Karl Grossman (
Grossman is an investigative reporter who has been reporting on Cassini
and the weaponization and nuclearization of space for more than a decade.
Russell D. Hoffman (
Hoffman is a computer
programmer and a pain in the butt.
Contact them...
Contact the president and vice-president. They [could have stopped]
Cassini's Earth flyby virtually with a word. Do you doubt it? Here's one
final article on EMPOWERMENT by
Russell D. Hoffman.
This web site has been presented by:

The Animated Software Company
Webwiz: Russell D. Hoffman