Guest List for HIGH TECH TODAY radio show



The show is about all sorts of high tech issues, not just computers. Each guest appears for the entire show, giving them a chance to explain complex concepts and give in-depth analysis and opinion. This format is completely unlike a TV "sound bite" and is even better than a segment on an educational show. By letting the guest answer a series of questions along specific lines for the whole show, listeners are able to get a more complete picture of what is happening in the guest's field of work. Listeners can get past the introduction of a topic and are offered some real meat.

The shows listed below have been transcribed to the Internet in whole or in part. I have included a number of Internet links to our guests' own sites. This does not represent an endorsement of their products, philosphies, or strategies, nor did having them on the show in the first place.

Show Date Guest
--42-- 2/2/96 Phil Zimmermann
Mr. Zimmermann wrote PGP (Pretty Good Privacy). "...[We must] ask ourselves: 'What technologies would strengthen the hand of the police state?', and then don't deploy those technologies."
--4-- 05/10/95 No Guest
SPACE DEBRIS. "The bottom line is that space exploration is far more risky than it could have been, because we have been so negligent."
--7-- 05/31/95 Eddie Paul.
Inventor, stunt man and stunt designer. "If you put 15 engineers on any kind of project, it's going to have at least 15 parts..."
--6-- 05/24/95 Dr. Clifford Stoll
Dr. Stoll discusses his newest book. (Excerpts.) "What the information highway promises is a lot of knowledge...In fact, it delivers mostly just data."
--10-- 06/21/95 Dr. Donald Norman
Discusses his newest book, THINGS THAT MAKE US SMART. "...when you're starting to design a new computer, bring in the manual writers, and have them write the manual--first!"
--21-- 09/08/95 Dr. Timothy Leary.
"I'm delighted that there's this chaotic jumble and over-over-overload of information because--we can handle it!"
--8-- 06/07/95 Jim Warren
Mr. Warren successfully lobbied the California legislature to put all proceedings on the Internet. "Any free society must have...access to adequate information on which to base sound decisions..."
--49-- 3/22/96 Ed Taylor
Author of several Internet reports. "...what I always suggest is [when you] design the web site, design it so your text comes up first."
--16-- 08/04/95 Dr. Peter G. Neumann
Discusses his book COMPUTER RELATED RISKS. Dr. Neumann is the host of the Internet Risks Forum. " most cases it's programming error, it's design error."
--50-- 3/29/96 Kimber Bannan
LT JG Bannan is on the the U.S. Coast Guard Pacific Strike Team. "We won't go into an area that has an explosive atmosphere. There's not a suit in the world that's going to keep you from blowing up!"
--44-- 2/16/96 Carolyn Spivak
Ms Spivak is a chip designer. "...even though we're called chip designers, a big piece of the design job is making sure that what we've designed is manufacturable!"
--14-- 07/19/95 Bob Engman.
President of OPTO 22. "The computer's now performing all of the information handling that layer and layer of middle management used to do."
--27-- 10/20/95 no guest
TECHNOLOGY IN SCHOOLS. Why is it taking so long? What benefits are there for the student?.
--5-- 05/17/95 Victor Rozek
General Manager for the Native Forest Council "Technology has helped us to know and understand the world like we've never understood it before."
--43-- 2/9/96 H. Alan Wood
A virologist with the Boise-Thompson Institute for Plant Research at Cornell. " can produce the genetically improved virus, deliver it to the field, it will kill all the insects, then it will dissappear. There's no environmental persistance to it, so therefore there couldn't be any ecological problems associated with it..."
--37-- 12/29/95 Mike P.C. Bannan
The HIGH TECH TODAY Year In Review. Mike is the Producer of High Tech Today. He and the host discuss "big things that happened in 1995".
--28-- 10/27/95 Dr. Nicholas Negroponte
Founder & Director of the MIT Media Lab. "Try pretending to be your own personal computer...When you're your personal computer, first, you can't even see you. You can't hear you. And the most that happens is you get poked at a litte bit."
--29-- 11/03/95 Amy Wohl
President, Wohl Associates and Editor, The Trends Letter. "When you get out into the world of the Internet, it isn't clear that operating systems count for very much."
--45-- 2/23/96 Dr. Robert Farran
Director of Strategic and Business Planning for the Advantix System from Kodak. "Approximately four years ago, Kodak brought together Nikon, Canon, Minolta, and Fuji companies to create the standard that is being announced."

HIGH TECH TODAY is currently looking for a new radio home. The host of High Tech Today is Russell Hoffman. The producer is Mike Bannan. Program Directors: Please contact us if you would like to consider bringing this show to your station! Readers: Please contact your local station and ask them to air High Tech Today!

Following is a list of all other previous shows, in chronological order. Please request any you wish I'd get around to transcribing and I'll try to get around to it!

Show Date Guest
--52-- 4/12/96 Charles W. Grimes
Co-author of Multimedia and Technology Licensing Agreements. We discuss legal issues that multimedia publishers should consider. (Note: tape currently lost.)
--51-- 4/5/96 Mike P.C. Bannan
Mike is a "Local Government Economist" and also, the Producer of High Tech Today. This was his second appearance and we discussed local government use of technology, and the game "Simm City".
--48-- 3/15/96 Terry Schwadron
Deputy Managing Editor for the LA TIMES, discusses their new web site and publishing in general in the Internet age.
--47-- 3/8/96 Kris Pister
Engineering professor at UCLA building micromachines. Dicusses the current state of the technology. Anyone can design and build a micromachine for around $600 these days.
--46-- 3/1/96 Gerry Foley
Director of Marketing for Articulate Systems. Discusses the state of the art in adaptive voice recognition systems.
--41-- 1/26/96 Scott Denman
Mr. Denman is the Executive Director of the Safe Energy Communications Council, a coalition of major environmental groups. He mainly discusses nuclear power.
--40-- 1/19/96 Repeat show...
(Due to technical difficulties the guest and host were unable to connect. A previous show was played instead.)
--39-- 1/12/96 Michael R. Stephens
Mr. Stephens' company, OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY CONSULTANTS, are an OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) compliance company. They are using the Web to promote and run the business.
--38-- 1/5/96 Kevin Casey
Mr. Casey is V.P of Engineering & Technology for CONTINENTAL CABLE, the fourth largest cable company in the US. They are testing "cable modems" at Boston College and elsewhere.
--36-- 12/22/95 David Siegel
Internationally famous font designer and Cool Web Site of the Year runnerup for 1994, he discusses his ideas for improving web graphics, as well as environmental issues.
--35-- 12/15/95 Kris Neely
Mr. Neely is a consultant and author in the midrange computer market with 22 years in the computer industry. He discusses where this market fits in today's broad computer market. Yes, midrange computers are still about the size of a washing machine.
--34-- 12/8/95 Scott Adams
Mr. Adams creates the DILBERT cartoons. He discusses his WEB site, which gets millions of "hits", and how he creates the cartoon series and interacts with his readers.
--33-- 12/1/95 Bernie Larrivee
Partner with BRAINIAC SERVICES INC., an Internet provider in Providence, RI. Discusses the backbone of the internet and what sorts of services a provider offers.
--32-- 11/24/95 Esther Dyson
President of Electronic Frontier Foundation and Editor of RELEASE 1.0. Ms Dyson discusses distributing creative efforts on the Web and other industry topics. (Unfortunately Ms Dyson is only on during the last 10 minutes.)
--31-- 11/17/95 Scott Farrell
A Senior Partner with IMALL, he discusses their advertising company on the Internet.
--30-- 11/10/95 Herb Sclar
Chief Executive Officer, UPDATA, based in LA, CA. Discusses the past, present, and future of CD-ROM publishing. Also discusses the quality of the products he sees, and CD-ROM piracy.
--26-- 10/13/95 Leo Quinn
Owner, FRIEND FINDERS. Discusses how his company can search databases electronically to find long lost friends and acquaintances.
--25-- 10/06/95 Richard Perez
Editor, HOME POWER MAGAZINE. Discusses alternative energy solutions for the home. Because of modern electronic rectifiers your home can have adequate power without being connected to "the grid."
--24-- 09/29/95 David Wienberg
ENGINEERING ANIMATION INC. Discusses animation use in the courtroom and on the internet. His company helped place an entire electronic human cadaver on the Internet.
--23-- 09/22/95 Sharon Hoffman
Editor of MIDRANGE COMPUTING (and host's wife) she discusses the midrange market (scheduled guest for the day did not appear.)
--22-- 09/15/95 Myla Stokes Kelly
A librarian at MIRA COSTA COLLEGE, she discusses changes to the function of the library in the technological age.
--20-- 09/01/95 Paul Wilson
President, MAP FRAME, INC., discusses mapping software.
--19-- 08/25/95 Dr. James Heffle
Professor at UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT RIVERSIDE. Discusses hydrogen-powered vehicles.
--18-- 08/18/95 Roger Gauvin
Discusses suspension systems for bicycles. Mr. Gauvin is the Product Manager for ANSWER PRODUCTS, which manufactures the Manitou line of bicycle components. Roger also talks about legendary bike designer Doug Bradbury.
--17-- 08/11/95 Larry Magid
Discusses the Internet, his new book. Columnist for LA Times, commentator for NPR and CNN.
--15-- 07/28/95 Dr. Larry Lean
Director of Membrane Applications for DESALINATION SYSTEMS INC. Discusses membrane technology and its ability to clean environmental sludge and waste.
--13-- 07/12/95 Dr. Steve Shaeffer
Representing PACIFIC LIGHTWAVE, a company which is installing fiber-optic cables into individual businesses and laying fiber lines in Southern California. Discusses what this technology is and what it can do.
--12-- 07/05/95 No guest
THE FUTURE OF COMPUTING. Discussion includes ideas for keyboard improvements, screen improvements, and software improvements.
--11-- 06/28/95 Donald Staton
Discusses how to live with Dyslexia. Note: This tape is short by 10 minutes due to a recording problem during the show.
--9-- 06/14/95 Paul-Michael Dekker
Mr. Dekker runs a company that designs and installs online advertising systems. Discusses advertising on the Internet.
--3-- 05/03/95 Peter Miesen
President of GLOBAL ENERGY NETWORK INTERNATIONAL. Discusses G.E.N.I. and the 1995 Buckminster Fuller Centennial celebration.
--2-- 04/26/95 No Guest
ENVIRONMENTAL HIGH-TECH. What's out there to help? How can environmentalists use high-tech equipment to help them?
--1-- 04/19/95 No Guest
VIDEO PHONES. Why aren't they in every home yet? If they ever come, what will they be good for? What should "Ma Bell" do to promote them? Related article.

HIGH TECH TODAY is a radio show heard on WALE in Providence, RI.

Russell D. Hoffman
, Host, HIGH TECH TODAY and Owner of The Animated Software Company.

We hope to make excerpts of these shows available for play through the Internet soon. Please feel free to link to these interviews or to this page, but please do not put this group of interviews on another server. Individual interviews may be copied as needed, but please leave credits and copyright notices intact. THANK YOU!

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Last modified March 27th, 1997.
Webwiz: Russell D. Hoffman
Copyright (c) Russell D. Hoffman