Ace Hoffman is available for presentations to your computer club or school... |
Presentations by Ace Hoffman(None scheduled; Please contact Mr. Hoffman to arrange a presentation.)Since about 1985, Mr. Hoffman has made presentations to computer clubs, schools and computer shows, and (in 1995) he made a presentation to Grant Recipients of the National Science Foundation (NSF) in Washington, D.C. Thousands have attended his lectures and presentations. Comments from previous appearances: "A very erudite speaker"..."[Ace] breezed through the philosophy of randomness as a function of art"..."A totally amazing evening"..."most informative"..."should be a stand-up comedian"..."best lecture at the meeting"... Mr. Hoffman is an evangelist for technology. Whether it's a new mechanical pump or a recent revolution in computer technology (the Web) Mr. Hoffman tries to know about it and fit it together into a whole world view. As new markets and new tools emerge, how will the world cope with them? How can the new tools help us to communicate with one another, help us to improve our standard of living, and help us clean up our soiled environment? What will the world of tomorrow use that we can design today? Why does the clock on the VCR still blink out 12:00? Mr. Hoffman's lectures look forward to what technology will be like in the future and how we can each affect the direction technological achievments lead us. What jobs will become available? What is the value of a person in a world of technology? How can we design technology so that the world becomes smaller and more human rather than mechanistic and distant? How can we get good customer service while talking to a machine? Mr. Hoffman is based in Southern California but is available to lecture throughout the United States and the world. He has made presentations in Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, London, Massachusettes, New York and Washington D.C. For a small incentive (+expenses) he would go just about anywhere to make a presentation! (There are no expenses and no charges for presentations to non-profit computer clubs.) Please email us if you are interested in having him make a presentation to your group! The world has really barely begun to computerize itself as we approach the Third Millenium and all our two-digit-year date routines fail. There are a number of topics for the lectures: The Internet and How It Will Affect Your Life Trends in the Computer Industry All About Educational Software History of a Computer Company It usually works out to about a 45 minute lecture with 15 minutes to half an hour of questions afterwards. (Then usually a bunch more questions off to the side for quite a while!) If you would like to consider having Mr. Hoffman make a presentation to your group, please contact him directly at one of the addresses given at the bottom of this page. Upcoming Schedule
Please email us if you would like to set up a presentation. Title: Anything about the Internet Description: 1 hour lectures, all-day seminars, etc. Past AppearancesNote: I will try to add links from here to every group I have EVER spoken to who has a Web site. Web Sites are Wonderful! Why not start one today?